

Hondros, K. (2023). Liminale Kreativität. Praktiken kleinster Transformationen in der Produktion von Soundalikes. Marburg: Büchner. (condensed and refined version of the PhD-thesis)

Hondros, K. (2021). Zum Verwechseln ähnlich. Praktiken liminaler Kreativität und die Produktion von Soundalikes. Thesis: University of Duisburg-Essen.

Edited Volumes

Schrör, S., Fischer, G., Beaucamp, S., Hondros, K. (2020). Tipping Points. Interdisziplinäre Zugänge zu neuen Fragen des Urheberrechts. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Peres da Silva, G. & Hondros, K. (2019). Music Practices Across Borders. (E)Valuating Space, Diversity and Exchange. (2019). Bielefeld: transcript.

Peer-reviewed chapters and journal articles

Hondros, K.; Schiemer, B.; Vogelgsang, L. (2023). Beyond personal safe spaces: Creating and maintaining collective environments for meaning and identity on digital platforms. Organization 30(5), 809-829.

Hondros, K.; Vogelgsang, L. (2022). Emerging Novelty through Imitation? Discovering Emulation in Processes of Creating Alikeness. (2022). Research in the Sociology of Organizations 77, 89-110.

Dobusch, L.; Hondros, K.; Quack, S.; Zangerle, K. (2021). Between Anxiety and Hope? How Actors Experience Regulatory Uncertainty in Creative Processes in Music and Pharma. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 75, 137-160.

Federlein, K. & Hondros, K. (2019). Die Klassifizierung von Ungleichheiten: Tests, Prüfungen und Klassen von Geflüchteten. Momentum Quarterly 8(4).

Hondros, K. (2018). Zwischen Realität und Virtualität - Memet_innen im Schwebezustand des Doing Meme. kommunikation@gesellschaft 19.

Chapters in anthologies

Hondros, K. (2023). Angebote alternativer Verwertungsgesellschaften. In: Fischer, G., Klingner, S., & Zill, M. (Eds.): Monopole im medienindustriellen Komplex? Marburg: Büchner. Open Access Download:

Hondros, K. (2020). Onlinemärkte für Musiksamples und die Fixierung flüchtiger Waren. In: Schrör, S., Fischer, G., Beaucamp, S. & Hondros, K. (Eds.): Neue Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen im Urheberrecht. Baden-Baden: Nomos. (pp. 155- 174).

Peres da Silva, G. & Hondros, K. (2019). Introduction—Music practices across borders. (E)valuating space, diversity and exchange. In: Music Practices Across Borders. (E)Valuating Space, Diversity and Exchange. Bielefeld: transcript. (pp. 7-40).

Working Paper & Pre-Prints

Hondros, K. & Leybold, M. (2023) Increasing Vaccine Access in a Shorter Time. Discussing Alternative Regulatory Frameworks in Response to Pandemics.

Hondros, K. (2020). Justifying music practices under regulatory uncertainty: The temporal unfolding of “Metall auf Metall”. Organized Creativity Discussion Paper Series Vol. 20(1).

Dobusch, L.; Hondros, K.; Quack, S. & Zangerle, K. (2018). Shaping Competition, Cooperation and Creativity in Music and Pharma: The Role of Legal Professionals, Intellectual Property and Regulatory Uncertainty. Organized Creativity Discussion Paper Series Vol. 18(1).

Blog-Posts & Reviews

Dobusch, L. & Hondros, K. (2022). Three Faces of Openness in Organizing IP. University of Glasgow CREATe Center Copyright Evidence Synthesis Blog Series 21 for 2021.

Hondros, K. (2022). Georg Fischer: Sampling in der Musikproduktion: Das Spannungsfeld zwischen Urheberrecht und Kreativität. (Book Review). In: Grünewald-Schukalla, L., Jóri, A., Schwetter, H. (Eds.): Musik & Marken. Wiesbaden: Springer. (pp. 281-285)

Hondros, K. (2021). Platform rules! Terms and conditions on professional creative platforms shifting copyright. Published on:

Hondros, K. (2021). Towards “alternative” as an analytical lens for investigating “alternative approaches to IP”. Published on: